Diablo 2 necro leveling guide
Diablo 2 necro leveling guide

diablo 2 necro leveling guide diablo 2 necro leveling guide

Once you are either done with the campaign, skipped the campaign entirely on a secondary character, or if you ever need extra experience to catch up in levels during the campaign, you will do what we will call “ The Ghoul Route“ this is referring to a circular route you will want to run East of Kyovashad, in Fractured Peaks, just outside the Dead Man’s Dredge dungeon ( see image below this list).

diablo 2 necro leveling guide

If you already have a character that has completed the campaign, then you should Skip the Campaign. If this is your first character, go through the campaign as quickly as possible, on World Tier 1 difficulty.This is the basic outline of what we currently believe to be the fastest and most efficient speed leveling strategy in Diablo 4.

Diablo 2 necro leveling guide